
Sunday, May 5, 2024

A Day Among Rice Fields and Art: Exploring the Azumino Countryside

The Japanese Alps rise in the distance, reflected in the water below

Opened in 1997, the Chihiro Art Museum Azumino made Chihiro Iwasaki's collection permanently accessible to the public. The museum's picture book history exhibition room takes visitors on a journey through time, showcasing the evolution of picture books.

The Chihiro Art Museum Azumino is not just a showcase for exquisite art; it is a testament to the enduring power of picture books. It is a place where imagination takes flight. Here, children can be mesmerized by familiar characters, and adults can rediscover the magic woven into the pages of their childhood favorites. Whether you are an art aficionado, a parent seeking to ignite a love of reading in your child, or simply someone yearning for a dose of visual storytelling, the Chihiro Art Museum Azumino promises an experience that will linger long after you leave its enchanting embrace.

Photo Gallery

On a sunny day, April 6, 2024, I embarked on a long journey to a museum in the Azumino countryside. This museum is known for its focus on children and nature, two topics that greatly attract me. Walking among rice fields, I could consistently view the Japanese Alps in the distance. Here is an illustration of what I experienced that day in the Japanese countryside.

Approaching the Chihiro Art Museum of Azumino


Chihiro's art beautifully captures the stages of children's play.

  • Early Play (Babyhood): The world is a playground for babies! They explore their own bodies and have fun with simple objects and tools around them. Think of grabbing toes, rolling over, or banging pots and pans.

  • Parallel Play (Toddlerhood): Little ones start seeking out others to play with, but interaction can be tricky at first. Imagine two toddlers playing side-by-side with similar toys, but not quite together yet.

  • Cooperative Play (Preschool): Social skills blossom! Children learn to interact and share, taking turns and collaborating in games. Picture building sandcastles together or playing pretend with friends.

  • Dramatic Play (Preschool/Early Elementary): Imagination takes center stage! Children create elaborate pretend scenarios, immersing themselves in fantastical worlds. Think of tea parties with stuffed animals or elaborate costumes for make-believe adventures.

  • Games with Rules (Later Elementary): The world of games expands! Children learn to follow rules, strategize, and take turns in more structured activities. This could be board games, card games, or sports with established rules.

By following these stages, Chihiro's artwork showcases the incredible journey of children's play, from simple explorations to complex social interactions.

Babies learn about their bodies not just by playing with toys, but also by exploring themselves

Kids playing with pets can be a delightful and enriching experience for both child and animal

The Artist's Space: Recreating Chihiro's 1970s Studio


Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window

"Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window" is a heartwarming memoir by Japanese television personality Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. Published in 1981, the book became an instant sensation in Japan. It tells the story of Kuroyanagi's unique education during World War II at Tomoe Gakuen, a Tokyo elementary school founded by the unconventional educator Sosaku Kobayashi.  Unlike typical schools with traditional classrooms, this one utilized old train cars and championed fun and freedom for its students. 


  2. Chihiro Art Museum
  3. Chihiro Iwasaki 100

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