
Friday, May 20, 2016

Survival Japanese at Grocery Stores

Before you use the toilet at a grocery store, you should ask for permission and this is what you need to say:

(Customer) Excuse me!  Can I use your toilet?
すみません   トイレ  を  貸して  ください
Sumimasen Toire o  kashite kudasai

Video 1.  日本超商,店員都在講什麼? 【日文教學; YouTube link

(Shop Greeter) Welcome!

In Japan,  cashier will help customer to heat up their cold items by saying:

(Cashier) Do you want to warm up your lunch box?
こちら の お弁当 は 温め ますか 
Kochira no o bentō wa atatame masu ka

(Customer) Yes.  Please!
はい、お願 いします
Hai onegai shimasu

(Customer) No.  Thanks!
iie Daijōbudesu

(Cashier) Your total will be 500 yen
お会計は、500円 に なります
O kaikei wa, go hyaku yen ni narimasu

(Cashier) Do you want to put them in a bag?
袋 に お入れ しますか
Fukuro ni o-ire shimasu ka

(Customer) Yes.  Please!
はい、お願 いします
Hai onegai shimasu

(Customer) No.  Thanks!
iie Daijōbudesu


(Customer) No.  Thanks!
iie , kekkōdesu

(Cashier) Is it OK to leave it this way (i.e. no bagging)?

こ の ままで、よろしいですか
Ko no mama de, yoroshī desu ka

(Customer) Yes.  No bag is OK

(Customer) Please put them in a bag
袋 に 入れ て  ください
Fukuro ni irete kudasai

(Cashier) Yes, will do
かしこ まりました
Kashiko marimashita

(Cashier) Do you have point card (or membership card)?
ポイント カード は お持ち ですか
Pointo kādo wa omochi desu ka

(Customer) Yes

(Customer) No

(Cashier)  Here is 1000 yen that I have collected from you
千円お 預かり します
Sen'en o azukari shimasu

(Cashier)  Here is your return of 200 yen and the receipt
二百円 の お返し と レシート です
Nihyaku'en no okaeshi to reshīto desu

(Cashier)  Thank you very much and come back again
ありがとう  ございまし た。 また、お越し  ください ませ
Arigatō gozaimashita。 Mata, okoshi kudasaimase

Sometimes if a line is too long and a new line is opened...

(Cashier)  The second customer on the waiting line.  Please come here!
二番目 に お待ち の お客様、 どうぞ
Ni-banme ni omachi no okyakusama, dōzo

If you try to buy alcoholic drinks in Japan, you need to be at least 20 years old.  So, cashier will ask you to confirm yourself to be 20 years old or above.  If you are, press the "はい" button.

(Cashier)  Please press the age confirmation button
ねん れい かく にん               
年  齢  確 認 の ボタン を 押して ください
Nenrei kakunin no botan o oshite kudasai

(Cashier)  Do you have something to prove your age?
    ねん れい かく にん 
何か 年 齢  確 認 が できるもの  は  ありますか
Nanika nenreikakunin ga dekirumono wa arimasuka

(Cashier)  Is it OK to put them together (i.e., cold and hot items)?
袋  ご一緒で よろしい ですか
Fukuro wa go issho de yoroshī desuka

(Cashier)  Is it OK to separate them in different bags?

袋  お分け しますか
Fukuro wa o o-wake shimasu ka

(Customer)  Yes.  Put them ogether.
Hai, issho de

(Customer)  Please separate them.
分けて ください
Wakete kudasai

(Cashier)  Do you need chopsticks?
お 箸 を おつけ しますか
O hashi o otsuke shimasu ka

(Customer)  One pair, two pairs, ...
一 膳 (or 一つ )
Ichi zen (Hitotsu)

二 膳 (or 二 つ)
Ni zen (or Futatsu)

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