
Monday, January 1, 2024

Anping Old Fort: A Window into Taiwan's Colonial Past

Towering over Tainan's skyline, the Anping Old Fort⭐, once known as Fort Zeelandia, whispers tales of a bygone era. Built in the 17th century by the Dutch East India Company, its sturdy walls served as a defensive stronghold and administrative center, witnessing the ebb and flow of history. 
From the handover of Taiwan to the Qing Dynasty to the siege by the legendary Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga), these red bricks hold the echoes of empires and battles. 
Though scarred by time and war, the Anping Old Fort stands tall, a testament to resilience and a beacon inviting us to delve into the rich tapestry of Taiwan's past.

Photo Gallery

On April 30, 2023, stepping back in time at the Anping Old Fort, we delved into museum exhibits, ascended the observation tower, and wandered through the surrounding park. This immersive experience yielded a deeper understanding and a renewed appreciation for this remarkable landmark.

Observation tower

Observation tower and cannon

Views from the Observation Tower

Views from the Observation Tower


  1. Anping Old Fort (Official website)

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