
Saturday, November 16, 2019

Travelling Spanish―Basics At a Restaurant

To start with, you need to be prepared to hear and understand certain questions in restaurants, such as:
When you read the menu, you'll see the available food grouped into different categories, just like in an English menu:

When you're ready to order, use either quiero (I want) or quisiera (I would like) with the items on the menu to tell the waiter what you'd like. For example, quiero…
So, for example, to order that ice-cold beer you're looking forward to at the end of a long day, you'd say quiero una cerveza.
If you're not sure what to try, you can always ask your waiter for a recommendation:
  • ¿Qué me recomienda? – What do you recommend?
    • (Kay may re-kom-ee-en-dah?In most restaurants in Spanish-speaking countries, the staff will be more than happy to suggest a particularly tasty local dish for you to try.
If you're a vegetarian or you have dietary complications, these next two phrases are essential:
Finally, let's learn a couple of quick phrases you can use to ask about prices and pay the bill.

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