
Sunday, June 7, 2020

Barcelona's Open-Air Museum: A Journey Through Spain's Architectural Treasures at Poble Espanyol

The Poble Espanyol (literally, Spanish town) is an open-air architectural museum in Barcelona. Built for the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition, the museum consists of 117 full-scale buildings representing fifteen autonomous communities of Spain.

It is set out like a life-size small town and includes many of the features and infrastructures you would expect to find in a town of its size. It is home to:
  • A number of artisans who work to manufacture blown glass, leather goods, wooden carvings, Spanish guitars, ceramics, jewelers, and other traditional goods. 
  • A number of cultural activities throughout the year; ranging from theatrical performance to electronic music festivals.

Photo Gallery

On Saturday, December 21, 2019, I embarked on a cultural adventure in Barcelona, visiting three iconic landmarks: the captivating Poble Espanyol, the renowned National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC), and the mesmerizing Magic Fountain Show. To escape the chilly winter air, I strategically planned my visit to Poble Espanyol just before the enchanting evening fountain spectacle, arriving at 8:30 pm.

As I strolled through the picturesque streets of Poble Espanyol, a Spanish guitar shop named Guitarras Santiago de Cecilia caught my eye. Drawn to the captivating display of guitars and the artisan's meticulous attention to detail, I stepped inside the shop. The aroma of freshly polished wood and the gentle strumming of a guitar filled the air, creating an ambiance that was both soothing and inviting.

Upon entering, I was greeted by a friendly Japanese artisan, whose passion for his craft was evident in his every word and movement. He graciously paused his work to engage in conversation, sharing his experiences as a Japanese expatriate living in Spain for the past decade. Despite the distance from his family, his love for Spain was palpable, and his stories painted a vivid picture of his adopted home.

As I expressed my interest in Spanish music, the artisan eagerly recommended two guitar CDs, providing insightful commentary on each artist and their unique style. His enthusiasm proved irresistible, and I wholeheartedly embraced his suggestions, adding the CDs to my collection. These musical gems have since enriched my YouTube videos dedicated to my 2019 Spanish adventure, adding a touch of authentic Spanish flair to my storytelling.

Guitarras Santiago de Cecilia

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